July is always a tough month for me, Sad anniverseries, and as much as time is supposed to heal, I find as the time passes, each year is harder :(
It is always a busy month too, as these photos show...
Lots of making (nothing new there...!)
Sports Day...
Winning the most fantastic package from Catherine @ Mollycupcakes (thankyou Soooo much hon, lovely lovely lovely (!) and well timed to brighten a tough week xxx)
(look at the cheeky munchkin trying to eat one of your cupcakes!!!)
Little Miss as a Polar bear (why do I always get the challenging costumes to make?!!) in her Year 2 leaver's performance...
Teacher's present, she had been in Foxes class...
Eldest's birthday...
Husband said there was a heatwave predicted for this week, don't know where he saw that, it's freezing here today!! Right, must crack on, am child free today and have a to do list that is neverending (keep getting distracted by the computer though...!!)
xxx Steph